The perks of modern business

It is no surprise that commitment in our society is waning. More people are getting divorced, but even more telling is that fewer are choosing to get married in the first place. Company loyalty has followed suit. 20-year company veterans are now a thing of the past and a 30 year old with 5 companies on his CV is no longer a novelty. There is no expectation that people will stay with your company for a long time and companies are struggling to determine how to appeal to and retain the best talent. It is no doubt a challenge.

On the upside, things are moving faster than ever before. Things are being (or should be) tried and tested faster, more reliably and more effectively than ever before. The fear of change is being tempered by a mitigated downside. What is the upside and what is the downside? For those in the old guard, there is an understandable apprehension: slow and steady wins the race. But, far more exciting, is the opportunity to make a difference, without the bureaucracy and endless negotiation. The opportunity to just try it and see.

Make your plan for today, this week. Be bold. Give it a go. What do you really have to lose?

The Great Law

“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.” Sometimes it seems like we have forgotten that. Was there ever a time when businesses weren’t exploiting workers? I don’t know. But I do know that the tide is changing. And I hope that companies choose to embrace this, hold themselves more accountable and look at the impact they are having on the world around them. There are so many things going wrong -and so many of them are fixable. It’s time to make things better.

A work in progress

One step forward, three steps back? It certainly can feel that way sometimes. There is so much to learn in this world and it is hard to value each moment as much as we should. So, take a deep breath, collect yourself, be present to the moment and then get started.